Friday, November 19, 2010

Service Dogs (6/22/10)

Anyone who claims to know me,
     Knows that I hate animals..there, I've said it. . Especially dogs, but that is a whole 'nother offshoot of hatred.  The only way I like an animal is if it is sitting on a plate next to a big baked potato.   That's what I'm talkin' about.  When I used to "teach" 2 year olds, I had to, of course, read aloud from several thousand cutesy animal-themed stories per week.  Frankly, I couldn't have given a rats's ass what the brown bear saw or where the hell he was going.  I even said out loud to the cooing toddlers one day : "Sorry - Teacher Trudy doesn't like animals.  Let's just drink up our apple juice so we can go play on the swings, shall we ?"
    I do this thing where I make my family uncomfortable in public by openly cooing and fussing over pets (esp. tiny purse dogs) - they say that it makes their blood run cold.  I'm all - "oh my God - look at that sweet little sweater !  Does he have a matching hat ?  What a good good boy !"  I love to do this, as it feels evil and wrong and (almost) no one is the wiser. Last week, I saw a Purse Dog in a backpack riding on a scooter, his smelly little disgusting head flapping in the breeze  I tried to pretend I was concerned that it didn't have a helmet - and Chief nipped that right in the bud : "Don't even..."
      So, yesterday, I go to the Why with Sparky to get all up in my cardio and shit.  I tread on the mill, do a few "reps" of my weights, and then settle in for a few mindless miles on the bikes.  I pop on the music, turn on the (attached !) fan, and start a' pedalin'.  I mock Sparky, as she is watching a Harry Potter movie on her iPod as she pedals.    Muggle/nerd alert !  I like this one particular bike, and am loath to ride any other. 
      Sparky to my right, some woman to my left, and.....WAIT !  What do I see beside me on the goddamned floor ?  IT IS A MINIATURE PET CARRIER !!!!   Of all the gym joints in all the world, there has to be a fucking mini-pet all up in my grill AT THE GYM !   The human gym !   What are the odds ?  I hate my life.  I am riveted, and cannot take my saucer-sized eyes off of this unbelievable sight.  I look at Sparky, and direct her to the travesty in question : she looks worried.  She must have seen a Look on my face or something.
    I have so many scenarios busting through my sweaty little head : shall I kick it and sweetly say "oops - sorry - wasn't expecting a pet at the gym in my exercise bubble."  Or I could just start fake sneezing and will myself into a non-existent pet dander allergy.  I can't even see what kind of a creature it is - it could be a goddamned raptor or a cobra or something.  I am so in a state of shock and disbelief.  Dialing 911 isn't out of the question - but there is no cell phone use allowed, and I, for one follow all gym rules and regs.  Dog toting bitch.
   I am overcome with a burning desire to tattle on her, so I adjust my workout thusly.  I am concerned that she will leave before me, and then my plans are shot.  Suddenly, my workout starts to resemble Miss Gulch feverishly pedaling as she kidnaps Toto In Kansas.  I am a pedaling fool - there may even be sparks flying.  Sparky knows to ignore me - once she saw that there was a pet, that was it.  Dog Bitch has her readout area covered with a towel (and a book - don't get me started on people who read and exercise at the same time - WTF.)  I cannot track her mileage or calories or anything.  I keep looking death rays at the "pet" - but am trying to be good so I don't tip her off on my tattling plans.
    Finally, I can take it no more - 4 miles and I have work to do.  My hand to God - the Pet Carrier is actually in my way as I dismount - I so wanted to throw myself on the ground screaming.  I apply a little subterfuge : I stop at the FittLinx station to log in my workout, sanitize my hands, and leave the room in search of an official.  I spot some babe in (inappropriate) high heels, and ask, stridently : "Do you work here ?"  She does, and I ask : "So, are we allowed to have pets in the gym now ?"  She instantly hates me, and the feeling is oh, so mutual.  I feel the need to get my bitch on.  She smarms at me : "Well, we do have a few service dogs..."  Me: "Oh, like seeing eye dogs for the blind ?"  She asks for a description of The Pet - she seems to recognize it.  I say : "well, that's great, but you don't want me tripping over somebody's house pet in the middle of my workout -that'd be on you if I hurt myself."  She asks if The Pet is blocking the aisle.  Me: "You've seen the amount of space between the bikes, right ?  He IS the aisle.  Plus, my allergies are acting up now."  She really hates me now, so I get her where she lives and reiterate what a shame it would be if a paying gym member in good standing hurt herself on a "service dog."
    I then run back to the exercise room, and hide in plan sight on the weight machines.  Timmy and Lassie are still biking, the bitches.  The high-heeled woman does a pass-by, and then sends a toady to ask the animal-lover to move her fucking dog out of the way.  All the way home, I rant at Poor Sparky : I could, then, bring a service alligator if I put a little vest on him ?  How about a service manatee ?  A service anaconda ?  A service killer whale?  A school of service piranha?  I could put a vest on Sparky and lay her in everyone's way, and there wouldn't be a damn thing anyone could say or do.
    A small victory, my tattling - but the phenomenon of the Anything Goes "Service Dogs"is upon us. At the Apple Store last week, I saw a (tiny) dog, and said, out loud  : "So, then, it's okay to bring dogs anywhere a person wants now ?! "  Wait for it : it was wearing a Service Animal Vest.  Which, somehow, makes it okay.  I just was spitting nails.
   I mean , maybe the Dog Bitch is intractably mentally ill and she a can only go to the gym if she stuffs a dog in a box and brings it with her.  Hell, I had to force myself to go work out, and I didn't need a boxed animal.  I long for the old days where a "service animal" was a fucking-well German Shepard seeing eye dog being walked by someone in dark dark glasses and a big ass harness on it.


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