Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Happy Now ? Happy ?*

Trudy, you should blog, you should write, I'd pay for it, write write write.
Okay, okay - after decades of nagging from loved ones, I am trying this.
 The reason  ?    The straw that broke my writer's cramp ?
  Drumroll, please....Nicole Christing Richie has just published her SECOND novel.
    Now, don't get me wrong - she's as cute as a button.  But an author ?  When ? Why ?  Why not ?

   If 6 (six) monkeys are locked in a room with 6 (six) typewriters ( ? ) and can come up with the complete works of Shakespeare, then..

* Points and prizes for those who can identify the movie from this quote ....


  1. Brilliant ! A fresh talented new voice. I smell Pulitzer !

  2. Rosencrantz an Guildenstern are Dead

  3. Moral quandary: Do I read your blog even though you ignored mine for four years?

    Answer: bite me.

  4. remember it was my idea first I want royalties

  5. Sophie's choice - read me or I bite you ?
    I shall bark no more.

  6. Highhhhhh..... Anx.......iety...

  7. "...whenever you're near.....heeyyyyy...'ziety : it's you that I fear.."

    - Mel Brooks

  8. MacGoddess is a winner ! "High Anxiety" is the movie : where the busboy delivers a newspaper to Mel Brooks and beats him unconscious in the shower, and the newsprint circles the drain. " Happy now !? Happy ?!"

  9. This just in - registered follower Vic seems also to be in the running for a prize. Not addressing the asterisk in this case, Vic correctly identified the "6 monkeys" as a quote for the above-guessed "Rosenkrantz and Guildenstern are Dead". I so need a staff - this is hard.

  10. William and I will handle interviews.

  11. They tried to censor her... They tried to shut her up... They tried to get her to play by their rules... They tried to keep her voice quiet... They tried to pigeonhole her... They tried to silence her... They tried to disappear her... BUT SHE WOULD NOT BE SILENCED! TRUDY SANDERS -- a TRUE AMERICAN VOICE!!!! SHE WILL NOT BE TAMED! SHE WILL NOT SHUT UP!

  12. Trudy you make me proud to be an American!

  13. This is fantastic!
